We, the people of St. Christopher Parish, journey to the heavenly kingdom of God our Father by following the example and service of Jesus Christ his Son, inspired daily by the Holy Spirit to lead faith-filled Christian lives.

Seniors By-Laws (revised and approved by members)
February 28, 2018

1.    Name - St. Christopher's Seniors

2.    Purpose - Personal and group enrichment

3.     Members and Qualifications - Membership is open to Christian seniors, age 55 or older, and spouse regardless of age.

4.     Officers -  President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

a.    The term of office is two years.  No individual may hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.

b.    Office may be held by any member in good standing.

c.    Sergeant at Arms may be appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors.

d.    In order that officers not be replaced at the same time, President and Secretary will be elected in even years (2018, 2020) and the Vice-President and Treasurer will be elected in odd years (2019, 2021).  If a current officer is not at the end of his/her two-year term, he or she may be extended one additional year without regard to the two consecutive term limitations to establish this change.

e.    Should an officer not finish his/her term, a replacement shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board to complete that term and this will not count towards the term limit.


5.    Committees - Kitchen, Sunshine, Membership, Publicity, Travel, and Entertainment chairpersons will be appointed by the President.

6.    Board of Directors - Immediate Past President (for one year), President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Board Members who are elected by a majority vote of the paid membership present at election. Some years there will be an 8 or 9-member Board.

a.     The Board Member’s term of office is two years.  No individual may hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms. 

b.    Board positions may be held by any member in good standing. 

c.    In order that Board members not be replaced at the same time, two Board Members will be elected each year.  If a current Board member is not at the end of his/her two-year term, he or she may be extended one additional year without regard to the two consecutive term limitations to establish this change. 

d.    Should a Board member not finish his/her term, a replacement shall be appointed by the President and approved by the remaining Board to complete that term and this will not count towards the term limit. 


7.    Meetings‑

a.    Regular - second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 2 PM.  Board of Directors - second Wednesday of each month at 1 PM.

b.     Nominating - first meeting in April (second Wednesday in April)

c.     Elections - first meeting in May (second Wednesday in May) by ballot of paid membership present.

8.    Rules‑

a.     Dues - $10 per year payable January 1. After April 1, a phone call will notify members that their names will be dropped from the membership list unless payment is made.

b.     Membership Limitation - Membership is limited to 200 persons. If there is a waiting list, new members will be accepted in the order they applied.

c.     Audit of the Books - An audit will be done by two designees of the President at the end of the calendar year.

d.     Mass - A Memorial Mass for our deceased members will be offered on the second Wednesday in November. An Installation Mass for officers will be offered the fourth Wednesday in May.

e.     Voting - Votes will be cast by those present at the election by voice or written ballot. Officers and Board are elected by majority vote. Ballots are required for important issues and can also be called for by voting members on any issue.

f. Tours and Activities -

1.    Paid members have first choice to join in tours, but others may be invited to meet minimum quotas.

2.    Driver's tip is to be included in the cost of the tour.

3.    Individual cancellation must be made one week in advance of scheduled tour. After that, if there is no waiting list the person must get a replacement, or the fee is forfeited. This does not apply if cancellation is due to a death or serious illness.

4.    All payment for any activity or trip must be made out to St.

Christopher's Seniors. Final payment check will be made out by the Treasurer from St. Christopher Seniors checking account.

5.    Treasurer will maintain a Special Events Form for each activity showing income and expenses.

9. Duties of Officers -

A.   President - It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings and to perform all other duties pertaining to the office.

B.   Vice-President - It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside at meetings in the absence of the President and to act as an aide to the President. In case of a vacancy in the Presidency, the Vice-President shall succeed to that office until the next annual election.

C.   Secretary - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all transactions at each meeting of the seniors and of the Board of Directors and to present these minutes for approval at the next meeting. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Secretary shall serve as President pro temp. The minutes shall be held for two years. At the expiration of the term of office, all records and papers shall be turned over to the successor.

D.   Treasurer - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all dues and money and make deposits in a bank as directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all receipts and disbursements and shall make payments by check (two signatures are required). He/she will keep Special Events Forms on all major activities with receipts. A detailed report shall be presented at each meeting. Records should be held for seven years.

E.   Sergeant-at-Arms - It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to act under the direction of the President at all meetings, shall assist in maintaining order and shall also collect a ten cent fine from members not wearing name tags.

10. Amendments to By-Laws - Amendments may be submitted by any member to the Board of Directors, or be suggested by the Board of Directors, and voted on by the membership.